“He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.” (John 12:25)
certain Greeks worship Feast sir we would see Jesus the hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified red letter day saints st Philip st James venerate panoply of gods One True God apostles faith respect veneration martyrdom red vestments to the death glorified passion suffering death resurrection salvation human race Holy Spirit ministry gentiles grain of seed fruit spiritual principle hate his life love of Christ find his life life in this world love Christ idol path of darkness fullness Gethsemane cup of suffering drink to the dregs sweat drops of blood not My will but Thine be done third day rise again newness of life transformational acorn mighty oak tree analogy Fathers will earthly destruction life indestructible never to die again follow Christ eternal temporal material wealth riches authenticity witness follow the money Jesus gig profit filthy lucre forsake gold not their god Jesus is their God sacrifice hundred fold pearl of great price do I love Jesus more money His ways ways of the world a season flower that fades transcendent love forsake their families kinship blood ties homeland stranger foreign land gospel debt of gratitude I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE mental gymnastics competing voices pleasing to God judge blessing liberty social media Christmas cards Birthday freedom good works path of death chaotic physical well being the fall death lost its sting energize us hope eternal life courage power crucified upside down Hieropolis arms of Christ minister heal wounds snatch Feast Day exalts higher ups fellowship of the saints proclamation their example