“O God, who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his sin and live.” (1928 Book of Common Prayer, Morning Prayer, page 7)

Ash Wednesday experience of confession repentance prayer Jonah Ninevah Father bless me for I have sinned confession name the sins out loud the sins lose their power Holy Spirit please reveal to us confess in thought word and deed sins stepped out of line referee out of bounds acknowledge prodigal son examination of conscience lay your burden down write down sins piece of paper concentric circles sin of commission omission failed selfish self serving not sharing taken advantage envy pride sloth gluttony lust wrath vain wish to be forgiven addiction seeking God following Jesus forgiven attrition sorry contrition try to do better pardon absolution penance spiritual council advice priest pardon remission of sins grace gift of absolution God forgives minister acts in His name go in peace the Lord hath put away thy sins