“For as yet they knew not the scripture, that He must be risen again from the dead.” (John 20:9)
HE IS RISEN HE IS RISEN INDEED this changes everything if you are the Son of God save yourself come down from the cross sign of Jonah three days three nights 3 days 3 nights in the belly of the fish earth temple of Herod stones destroy this temple and I will build it in three days I will raise it up temple of His body handed over wicked men crucified rose up third day women tomb empty John Peter linen clothes cloths napkin scripture fulfilled belief angel He is not here He is risen as He said promise truth word is true speaks truth confirmation miracle of miracles resurrection what Jesus said we can trust build upon a rock of Christ shifting sands Jesus conquers death first parents Adam Eve God perfect love consequences death forbidden tree dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return power rips our human death existential problem sent redeemer redemption takes upon Himself Romans cruelty buffeting shaming mocking scourge scourging crown of thorns how dead can a man be carry the cross crucified crucifixion spear blood and water sabbath rest fulfilled scripture victorious sports excel go the distance champion overcome triumphed no greater warrior cut tree cut down spring up roots rain sprout breath gone no more destroyed death Heavens gate never to die glorified state reigning in glory throne of heaven athlete worldwide celebration share His victory with us I AM THE RESURRECTION ND THE LIFE he that believes in me though he were dead yet shall he live whoever lives in me and believes in me shall never die His own life escape death partake assimilate sacraments of the church His life bread of heaven means to escape partake of Christ transformed in a moment twinkling of an eye body glorified state new heavens and new earth enemy small limited diminishing returns ri walk to edge hike sister cliff no guardrail sierras vista yosemite cloudy day cliff face moist air cloud lifted bridal veil falls half dome for our sake enemy small limited life fade out dead German proverb work hard work hard build a little house die God has conquered death for our sake our death we will survive in Christ our true end is with God forever in the glories of heaven