“And Jesus, when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, after He was an hungred.” (Matt. 4:2)
fasting wilderness thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased dove descended upon Him Holy Spirit desert fast tempted command these stones to be made bread Eve deceit counter authority enemy satan dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return first Adam death sin doubt tempter against the will of God against love rationalizing heart and mind faster than the speed of light a man can justify his sin creator truth is it of God combat that temptation seductive easy appeal to God bring God into the picture the Fathers will man does not live by bread alone God will provide forty day fast supernatural prove it dash your foot against a stone prove oneself shortcut get the grade get the A moral compass cheat cunning justifying their success smoke and mirrors cant do the math engineer lost his grip self justification call upon Him for help seek wise council with godly people don’t do anything you wouldn’t want published in the newspaper reveal to them how were being tempted enemy will flee dam downriver ring of steel engineering school made of steel from a dam that failed faith virtue hearts cold bitter angry temptation broken Jesus shows us consolation suffered as man in the flesh He knows what its like defied satan Jesus did not fall into temptation brought life into the world second Adam power of resurrection eternal life in the body victorious hope of heaven embrace the cross our earthly pilgrimage High Priest all the kingdoms of the earth temptation is there shut down our soul unloving place of desolation Jesus knows what its like forsaken angry hurt Champion in the spiritual fight ordering all things for our good