“And the Father spoke from heaven over Jesus saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11)
Holy Spirit beginning of the Lords ministry baptism repentance forsake sins sinless impeccable cleanse identify with sinners entire ministry penalty of sin take upon Him His body on the tree publicans sinners comes to us climb down into the pit muck descend into hell thou are there also surgeon wound stench gore operation heal repent close while we were yet sinners God loved us winebibber your sins are forgiven go and sin no more not afraid darkness light theophany all present at His baptism Father Son Holy Ghost Holy Spirit new creation Word redemption divine Love all in creation all in redemption sacrament of Baptism water invisible grace engrafted dwelling will of God peace Christ redeemer temple of the Holy Spirit enmity peace call of Christian barrier self will liberation blessing endless bliss Epiphanytide wellspring world weary nothing new under the sun bored mind drifting refreshing own thoughts human race