“And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mark 12:31)
good samaritan callous priest levite rescue man left for dead Christ will fulfill oblation of Himself once offered lay down ones life for ones friends call us to the greatness saint queen elizabeth God family country remider to love God and neighbors WWII 911 world war 2 nine eleven USS dorchester four chaplains harvard friends european theater cruise liner party boat east coast called into military service hold 904 men January 1943 newfoundland self sacrifice love ten mile march 10 chaplains went with the men one had served in WWI world war 1 father was a chaplain wolfpack german uboats tracked comedy review variety show boost morale february 3 1943 torpedo winter calm presence orderly evacuation life boats unlaced boots tied lifejacket panic black void chaos 18 minutes sink in arms singing hymns saying prayers survivors heard english latin hebrew George L Fox Methodist Alexander Samuel Goode Jewish rabbi Clark Poling Dutch Reformed protestant John Patrick Roman Catholic priest congress highest award for non combatant inspirational turn of the tide of public sentiment coalescence come together fight the good fight special medal four chaplains stained glass window national cathedral call to sanctity remember