by Chrissy Dart
During this Coronavirus time, Christ Anglican Church has hosted a monthly, online, multi-age, multi-generational community building, community sustaining gathering termed “Story and Song.” Modeled after an Irish Storytelling session, friends and parishioners have shared stories, songs, musical offerings, poetry, and original creative works. Some topics that we have explored these past ten months included Angels, Pentecost, St. Patrick, Lent, Advent, Gratitude, and the Saints.
Following our time of sharing, attendees prayed together, voiced thoughts and insights about the topic we explored, and then all received a priestly blessing from Canon Dart. As Coronavirus restrictions are lifted, we hope to continue this monthly, online gathering. We are not a group of professional performers, but a group of people wishing to glorify the Creator with story, music, poetry, and song. Please join in and share.
The next Story and Song will be Tuesday, June 22nd at 7 p.m. The theme will be “God is good; His love endures forever.” For more information or if you would like to share, contact Chrissy Dart at